Thursday, February 16, 2017

My Game of Pokemon GO: Stage ? - Region Exclusives

This is the last blog entry of my Pokemon GO Gen I series.  Gen II is released today with new sets of silhouette, which is why I am rushing to backup my Gen I memory data onto this disk space.

Tauros is exclusive to North America, Farfetch'd to Asia, Kangaskhan to Australia/New Zealand, and Mr Mime to Europe.  Except Tauros, the rest three certainly are out of reach (can no longer be hatched from eggs either).  The best I could do was to meet them in gyms, which was mistakenly counted as a failed encounter in the game.  Nevertheless seeing a Pokemon in a gym adds a clickable silhouette into your Pokedex.  Collecting all three silhouettes could be a practical relaxed definition for completing of the global Pokedex.

My collection of the regional silhouettes.  Mr Mime was seen in a gym near my house;  Farfetch'd in San Diego Airport on my trip back from Cancun;  Kangaskhan at Coronado Island.

Resources Saved for Future Intercontinental Trips

This section is just for my own bookmarking purpose.

Region-exclusive nests:, however, not well maintained.

Kangaskhan in Sydney:
However, Kangaskhan was declared to be as common as Pidgey and were filtered out from the map.  The explanation for this was humorous
Q: Hello, this is Pidgey. Why am I not on the map? I demand a refund #PidgeyLivesMatter.A: Hello Pidgey, THERE ARE SO MANY OF YOU, so to keep your trainers sane, we filter you out. Bellsprout, Caterpie, Clefairy, Ekans, Golbat, Goldeen, Horsea, Kangaskhan, Krabby, Nidoran♀, Nidoran♂, Oddish, Paras, Pidgeotto, Pinsir, Poliwag, Psyduck, Rattata, Sandshrew, Slowpoke, Spearow, Staryu, Venonat, Weedle and Zubat are also not on the map but they didn't complain, did they? #AllMonsAreEqualButSomeMonsAreMoreEqualThanOthers.

It was mentioned that Farfetch'd spawn frequently nearer Taipei 101.

Mr Mime:

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