This is the last blog entry of my Pokemon GO Gen I series. Gen II is released today with new sets of silhouette, which is why I am rushing to backup my Gen I memory data onto this disk space.
Tauros is exclusive to North America, Farfetch'd to Asia, Kangaskhan to Australia/New Zealand, and Mr Mime to Europe. Except Tauros, the rest three certainly are out of reach (can no longer be hatched from eggs either). The best I could do was to meet them in gyms, which was mistakenly counted as a failed encounter in the game. Nevertheless seeing a Pokemon in a gym adds a clickable silhouette into your Pokedex. Collecting all three silhouettes could be a practical relaxed definition for completing of the global Pokedex.
Tauros is exclusive to North America, Farfetch'd to Asia, Kangaskhan to Australia/New Zealand, and Mr Mime to Europe. Except Tauros, the rest three certainly are out of reach (can no longer be hatched from eggs either). The best I could do was to meet them in gyms, which was mistakenly counted as a failed encounter in the game. Nevertheless seeing a Pokemon in a gym adds a clickable silhouette into your Pokedex. Collecting all three silhouettes could be a practical relaxed definition for completing of the global Pokedex.
My collection of the regional silhouettes. Mr Mime was seen in a gym near my house; Farfetch'd in San Diego Airport on my trip back from Cancun; Kangaskhan at Coronado Island.
Resources Saved for Future Intercontinental Trips
This section is just for my own bookmarking purpose.
Region-exclusive nests:, however, not well maintained.
Kangaskhan in Sydney:
- Local forum
- Silph Road Nest Atlas indicates no tracker is needed for Kangaskhan, they often appear near Poke Stops.
However, Kangaskhan was declared to be as common as Pidgey and were filtered out from the map. The explanation for this was humorous
Q: Hello, this is Pidgey. Why am I not on the map? I demand a refund #PidgeyLivesMatter.A: Hello Pidgey, THERE ARE SO MANY OF YOU, so to keep your trainers sane, we filter you out. Bellsprout, Caterpie, Clefairy, Ekans, Golbat, Goldeen, Horsea, Kangaskhan, Krabby, Nidoran♀, Nidoran♂, Oddish, Paras, Pidgeotto, Pinsir, Poliwag, Psyduck, Rattata, Sandshrew, Slowpoke, Spearow, Staryu, Venonat, Weedle and Zubat are also not on the map but they didn't complain, did they? #AllMonsAreEqualButSomeMonsAreMoreEqualThanOthers.
- Hongkong Rare Pokemon Map
- Taipei Crowd Sourcing Pokemon Map
It was mentioned that Farfetch'd spawn frequently nearer Taipei 101.
Mr Mime:
-, however, for the same reason as Kangaskhan, Mr Mime was not shown on the map as it is presumably as common as Pidgey.
- Generally consider quite common:
- There were comments saying using a lure could attract Mr Mime within an hour or so.
- Probably a good thread containing additional resources:
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