Availability Analysis: Wild Pokemons not yet been reported in San Diego:
- Unown, Corsola. (Note: Mareep, Pineco and Phanpy was mistakenly filtered out by all trackers. Fixed in some now). Corsola now seems to be tropical region exclusive. Neither Unown nor Entei has been deteced by any trackers. Unown does exist in wild, apparently all trackers have trouble detecting it.
- Also not reported:
Coronado Spawn Rareness Analysis
- Probably not in game: Delibird, Smeargle, Celebi, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Suicune, Entei, Raikou
- Babies are not in wild: Cleffa, Igglybuff, Pichu, Togepi, Magby, Elekid, Smoochum, Tyrogue
- Regional: Heracross
- Gen2s that require items in evolution are not available in wild, this incluidng those from Gen1 including Porygon2, Bellossom, Slowking, Steelix, Kingdra, Scizor, Politoed, as well as Sunflora from Gen2. Despite people have shown screenshot, I have not read evidence that these were caught in wild (unless there is a bug in multiple trackers). Blissey and Crobat are availabe in wild, because their evolutions do not require stone. We have not seen Umbreon and Espeon in wild in San Diego. We have data for 10523 rare spawns and these were not observed. So I can say for sure this is the case!
Coronado (including Strand) spawns during 2/18/17 2:30am-2/20 7:00:pm (52 hours), Inland data are collected from UTC, Rancho Penasquitos and Zip code 92116.
Spawns in San Diego:
Evolution Level 1. Low counts for Mareep and Phanpy were due to tracker filtering.
Evolution Level 2-3. Notice Girafarig, Ampharos and Forrestress are more rare than Feraligatr, Jumpluff and Meganium. (Do trackers filter them?)
Rareness for Coronado Only:
Evolution Level 1
Evolution Level 2-3
Spawn Location Preference Analysis: Coronado versus Inland
Note: Coronado data includes some common ones but high IV, e.g., Hoothoot, Houndour, ignore those.
Comparison between Coronado Data vs Inland Data
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